The great conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter is happening right now in sidereal Capricorn and will be exact on December 21st, 2020, winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, summer in...
The great conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter is happening right now in sidereal Capricorn and will be exact on December 21st, 2020, winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, summer in...
After Ketu, the south node of the moon moved into sidereal Scorpio in late September, 2020, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel & Andrea...
New Moon in Scorpio is also the Solar Eclipse with the Sun and Moon joined Ketu, the south node of the moon in Jyestha nakshatra in Scorpio, along with Mercury...
New Moon in Libra is celebrated as Diwali / Deepavali / Deepotsav, the festival of lights. Like most Indian festivals, Diwali is metaphysically celebrated based on the relationship between the...
October 17th, 2020 marks the beginning of 9 day festival worshiping the different forms of the Shakti culminating in Dussherra or VijayaDashami. Navratri starts on the first day (first tithi,...
The third & final Mercury retrograde (MeR) of 2020 is happening in sidereal Libra as I write this. So, let’s burst some myths about MeR . The ‘apparent’ retrograde motion...
I got inspired to do this just because Mercury (ideas and theories) is right now retrograde in Libra (relativity) and earlier in October the Nobel Prize in physics was given...
An interview I did about the sacred feminine and how 2020 astrology transits will affect women collectively
Tomorrow’s New Moon in the nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni in Virgo starts off a cycle where we are presented with the opportunity to organizing our lives. The organizing principles of...
Pitru Paksha is a 16-lunar day period to pay homage to the ancestors (Pitr). This year (2020) Pitru Paksha is from 2nd to 17th September. It falls during the waning...