ForecastTransitsSo much heat, so much steam: Mars in Scorpio, joined Ketu

December 13, 2021by Malini Iyer0
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Yes, you may feel the need to blow-off steam now. But why is that?


Mars entered Scorpio on 12/4/21 right as we were finishing the solar eclipse. In fact, spatially speaking, Mars in Libra was really close to Ketu influencing the eclipse. When in Libra, Mars was already bringing fire to issues of justice, equality & fairness (personally & socially). Now that Mars is in Scorpio, a sign that it rules, it allows an opportunity to turn that outward battle into internal soul-searching. Notice, how your external frustrations have turned into internal quest. Where you were angry at the world, your family or your employer, notice how you may now experience anger with yourself – for subjecting yourself (knowingly or unknowingly; passively or actively) to these unfair dynamics. Be wary of your tendency to slip into the victim position this time around – as it’s time to tap into the intelligence Mars is offering. Many prefer projecting themselves as the victim & others as the antagonist because it is too arduous to take responsibility for your own immediate & long-term actions (or inactions). Mars in Scorpio gives the courage to take a hard look at oneself when:

  • You are disconnected from your emotional core because it’s so uncomfortable to stay with all your emotions
  • You are trapped in victim-savior or victim-antagonist co-dependent relationships (martyr complex). (Typically, when one of the parties stops participating, it’s earth shattering for the other)
  • You manipulate & gaslight others so that you don’t hold yourself accountable for anything
  • You avoid doing the required work under the pretext of your attachment style (avoidant, anxious, anxious-avoidant)
  • You project your internal fears, insecurities, vulnerabilities, discontent, unhappiness & resentment onto others
  • You try to control, correct & harshly judge others for the transient feeling of power; but in fact, you constantly feel powerless from within
  • You are unwilling to break the cycle of toxic or abusive relationships because you are addicted to the toxicity (or that’s what feels so familiar; true normalcy is unfamiliar & so you are resistant to lean into it)
  • You are addicted to drama either by being the provocateur or the provoked
  • You project dominance or superiority because you are terrified of sharing power or being in the wrong. Sharing power feels like being subservient
  • You project inferiority complex because stepping into your authentic power & gifts feels extremely uncomfortable, unfamiliar & fearful

I have touched on only a few shades of grey here. There are many flavors to the inner turmoil that Mars in Scorpio can give courage to face


Ketu is stable & exalted in Scorpio. Ketu joint Mars in Scorpio gives the focus to keep trudging along despite the journey being strenuous. Ketu also allows access to the wisdom built into your ancestry / genetics to finally heal age-old emotional wounds. To heal these wounds, it is necessary to bring awareness to them & not just brush them under the carpet. Sometimes that awareness may lead to speaking up & confrontations if your self-expression was chronically repressed. Sometimes that awareness may lead to greater silence because you eventually realize your own contribution to the problem – your own triggers & buttons. No matter how ugly, messy or beautiful, be authentic to yourself. Approach this time with integrity & kindness (not over / pathological empathy – lol, as Ketu also brings a tendency of self-flagellation) – you get the point! Sun will also be conjunct with Mars & Ketu for the next week. Sun will help burn & purify the house of illusions you have been living. Collectively, we can see all shades of this energy play out in the dramatic fears around Omicron, heated politics, unpredictable economics & family dynamics. This extremely transformative time is available to us only till 1/15/22, when Mars leaves Scorpio – so let’s not squander around in superficial escapism like TV, alcohol, partying, gossiping, shopping or obsessing over other people. Dive inwards!


How do you dive inwards? Hint: the best way to channel Mars energy is through movement & the best way to channel Ketu energy is through spiritual practices. So,

  • Practice physical asanas & kriya
  • Be a stickler for your daily meditation, pranayama & sadhana
  • Engage in sports or a form of dance
  • Invoke Ganesha, like Ketu, he is headless & leads from his heart
  • Make active efforts to get in touch with the root of your emotions – journaling, engaging a therapist or even talking to a friend who can hold space for your emotions to unravel (this is secondary to the spiritual asanas)
  • Acts of service that involves physical exertion

These are just a few examples. Once you understand this energy & what’s it trying to teach you – you can feel into what you can personally do with it. While Mars is maturing our energy from Vishakha (the fierce warrior) to Jyestha (the wise elder), Ketu is unraveling (unentangling) our shadow-side & blind spots in reverse – from Jyestha (the victimized old hag) to Vishakha (the peaceful, noble warrior who chooses their battles wisely).


Love, Light & Blessings,


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