This Full Moon (FM) is happening as the moon moves from Ardra to Punarvasu nakshatra in Gemini. Moon in Gemini is directly opposite Sun in Sagittarius harmonizing our need to believe in something with the faculty of questioning, discernment & discrimination. It is easy for the mind to just blindly believe in something w/o question. It is also easy to persistently question everything w/o having faith or being willing to receive the answers. However, it requires a very refined consciousness to do both – believe in a higher faculty & question your belief systems from time-to-time. I often remind people who come to me indoctrinated in a particular way of philosophy that one of the greatest spiritual scriptures of all times, the Bhagvad Gita, was a Q&A between Krsna & Arjuna – not as teacher & student but as two dear friends. In fact, during the Bhagvad Gita Q&A, Krsna was on a lower position than Arjuna; Krsna was Arjuna’s charioteer. The qualities of this FM are in fact exemplified by Arjuna who questioned everything he thought to be Dharma in his life up until the great war. He let all his beliefs about Dharma shatter as he battled against his own Guru (Dronacharya) as well as was open to receive infinite wisdom from Krishna, his friend & charioteer in the war. This FM reminds us to harmonize our age-old beliefs (about any subject) with intelligent probing
Ardra is where Rudra was invoked by the gods & deities to stop Brahma from formicating with his daughter to create new life forms in matter (or flesh). You see, the heavenly gods mistook Brahma’s intent as incest. Rudra was called from the constellation Betelgeuse, also known as Ardra to stop Brahma’s act. This is one of the most ancient space travel, alien stories in the world – originating in India! Upon killing Brahma on Earth, Rudra realizes the innocent intent & is grappled with grief. Rudra howls & wails while his teardrops hit Earth from which new life emerges. This is where Ardra, symbolized by our intense aggression transforms into Punarvasu (return of a tender life form). The plane of the galaxy also passes thro’ Ardra. Confluence of all these energies remind us to carefully & not thoughtlessly look at things that make us uncomfortable, tap into that deep irritation, address the underlying grief if any, purge & let the new emerge. Careful though: do not throw the baby out with the bath water or you may feel the Rudra’s grief when he realized about the mistaken intent. Since, Rudra’s tears brought rains on Earth, expect to experience rain, hail, storm or snow in various parts of the world. SoCal is experiencing one of its heaviest downpour this FM. Rudrasksha beads are Rudra’s (= Shiva) teardrops (Rudra aksha = teardrops). So doing mantra japa using a Rudraksha mala or wearing Rudraskha will help channel this FM’s energy
Primary to anything I have described above, this FM will bring out the effects of what it rules for your particular ascendant (Asc) or Rising sign. For Libra Asc, Moon rules 10th house (Cancer) of career, so this FM in your 9th house (Gemini) has the potential to harmonize your individual goals (3rd house stuff) with your higher philosophies/purpose (9th house stuff) as it pertains to your career (10th house stuff). Sidenote: For Libras, this is also a Raja Yoga by transit. Similarly, for each Asc, this FM unravels possibilities that are specific to what the Moon rules in your chart – makes sense?
Love, Light & Blessings,
Dr. Malini S. Iyer
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