Case StudiesTransitsTonga Tsunami: Case Study

January 16, 2022by Malini Iyer0
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Follow-up on the Mars Gandhanta post. In the last couple of days, we had a massive eruption at Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai volcano, approx. 30 kms(18.6 miles) southeast of Tonga’s Fonuafo’ou island. The volcano first erupted on Friday and a second time on Saturday, Jan 15th around 5:26pm SST sending humongous waves of Tsunami in Tonga, situated East of Australia & North-East of New Zealand
As I have discussed earlier, Mars, a fiery planet is now in the Jyeshtha-Mula gandhanta, transitioning between a water & fire sign. Scorpio, the sign of Jyestha, represents depths of water (in this case, the ocean). Mula’s energy in Sagittarius has to do with uprooting things from their roots. Mula-Ardra axis is also where the the plane of galaxy passes through, where a tremendous amount of energy is released. Ardra, in fact has to do with flooding – rains that flood, tsunamis that flood, hurricanes that flood (remember the story of Rudra who wails in Ardra bringing floods). Moon & Ascendant at the time of this volcanic eruption were aligning or about to align in Ardra. Mars, on the other hand, is transiting the gandhanta point, about to enter Mula leading to confluence of all these energies & volcanic eruptions & tsunamis. There have been several natural calamities that have taken place when difficult planets join Moon in the Mula-Ardra axis. These case studies for a later time
In your own personal life, tread carefully as you navigate the enormous energy available now. The same energy that is used to destroy things can be used to create & manifest. You just have to align your inner life to it. Like I said before, to tap  into this transformative energy now:
  • take action now on your spiritual practices. Patanjali’s 1st yoga sutra says: atah yoga anushaasanam – the time to start your spiritual journey is now (not tomorrow or next month, but now)
  • Get disciplined
  • Before getting into a confrontation, check in with yourself if it necessary & kind
  • Everytime your focus wanders into external competition, bring your attention back to self-growth
Love, Light & Blessings,
Dr. Malini S. Iyer


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