Gandhanta (Gand = knot, anta = end) literally means a knot at the end of flow of energy, like, the knot at the end of a sewing needle & thread that holds the stitch together (bottom pic). At the end of every 9 nakshatras, there’s a gandhanta, a knot that stitches the energy of those 9 nakshatras together. Gandhanta falls between the transition of a water & fire sign where no one nakshatra bridges the 2 signs. There are 3 gandhanta points in the zodiac, Jyeshtha (Scorpio) to Mula (Saggitarius) being the toughest (it would take long to explain why)

We now have Mars in the Jyeshtha-Mula gandhanta. Mars, our inner warrior that is willing or unwilling to fight our battles, has high intelligence in both Scorpio & Saggitarius. So amongst all the planets, Mars crosses this gandhanta with most alignment – allowing us to take a leap across a gorge with no defined path

If this energy is not channeled well, you may feel unusually restless, anxious, irritable & snappy. It may also bring up old insecurities of not being enough or being too old/outdated (Jyeshtha). It may also lead to unnecessarily destroying or purging valuable habits/patterns/relationships (Mula). If channeled, there’s an opportunity to gain ancient, age-old wisdom that comes with years of experience (Jyeshtha) & let go of anything that doesn’t serve your higher purpose (Mula)

How do you tap into this transformative gandhanta Mars energy & channel it? Well, for starters:
- take action now on your spiritual practices. Patanjali’s 1st yoga sutra says: atah yoga anushaasanam – the time to start your spiritual journey is now (not tomorrow or next month, but now)
- Get disciplined
- Before getting into a confrontation, check in with yourself if it necessary & kind
- Everytime your focus wanders into external competition, bring your attention back to self-growth

Love, Light & Blessings,