If you are one of those who are setting off your new year’s resolutions, take notes. January 1st as a new year is a random date picked up to account for a new cycle of Earth going around the Sun. There is no astronomical event pinning the new year to the sky. It makes more sense to start a new year on the new moon (NM) right after solstice, aligning the sky to the measurement of a new cycle
Kicking off the new year with the energy of Purva Ashada (PA) in Sagittarius infuses this new cycle with much needed hope & optimism for many after the lessons of 2020 & 2021. PA is ruled by Apas, the primordial waters where creation began. First life form on earth also appeared in the waters, emphasizing the importance of Apas. PA brings the opportunity to be successful at your new endeavors. It is symbolized by a winnowing basket & a tusk, highlighting the need to practice high discernment as well as winnowing out dogmatic beliefs, patterns, conditioning, habits, viewpoints, people & structures. So, when you wake up on this new year, be ready to weed out every long-time held belief (or people, since Venus Retrograde is joint this NM) that stands between you & your victory. Approach the next month with a childlike fearlessness, enthusiasm, curiosity & innocence no matter how burnt you have been with past failures – that’s the key to success. Remember, for consistent success create daily, sustainable milestones – something as simple as keeping your screentime in check. In doing so, also remember to be flexible & adaptable or else you may be inclined to throw the baby out with the bathwater by the time it is the full moon. How do you do both: create daily milestones yet be flexible? Well, the answer lies in treating this exercise as a positive & negative feedback loop – Things that work, keep; things that don’t work or are harder to follow-through, change. We can see these themes play out in the collective consciousness – Omicron, employment, economies of the world, entrepreneurs starting new business endeavors, entrepreneurs filing for bankruptcy to start something new etc. The analogy of the bow & arrow should help; in order to be thrusted forward, the arrow is pulled backwards on the bow. So, if you feel like you are being pulled back, have faith that you are getting ready to be propelled forward

Happy New Year

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PS: For astrology geeks, Varuna ruler of primordial waters (Apas) rides on Makara – connecting the themes of hope, faith, beliefs & higher organizations of Sagittarius to the practical yet surrendered nature of Capricorn. Can you connect the dots? If so, leave a comment below.
PC: Minni Morpho