Within 3 hours of Sun entering Capricorn (Cap), Mercury (Mer) turns retrograde (R) in Cap. Since, Mer is exalted in an Earth sign (Virgo), Cap’s energy (Earth sign) aids Mer. Mer is the minister or advisor to the king (Sun). Mer represents our intellect, all forms of communication (verbal, written, electronic, virtual, non-virtual), our capacity to discern, & our capacity to adapt & be flexible

Sun in Cap is in his son, Saturn’s sign. Sun & Saturn are inimical in nature wherein Sun urges us to follow a vision no matter what & Saturn urges us to be fair & considerate towards others in pursuit of that vision. Saturn tempers Sun’s vitality in us when we sacrifice people & relationships as collateral damage in our one-pointed pursuit of power. Does any current affairs come to mind?

Mer, Sun’s minister, in Cap is the saving grace. MerR cycle in Cap will open up the floor for you to retrace the path you have taken to accomplish your vision / goals & allow you to come from a place of service rather than absolute desire or greed. Consider these 3 weeks as a time to troubleshoot & realign your approaches in life
- where in your life you get engaged in power struggles
- what triggers ‘lack of’ in your life – lack of power, love, money, security, job satisfaction etc
- what areas of life are you desperately clinging to
- what triggers fear of servitude, exploitation, oppression or slavery
Utilize the 3 weeks of MerR to rationally & logically tease out the root cause of the above pointers. Use the sharpness of your intellect to cut out irrational fears, BS & noise rather than cut your own self or others. Use MerR to identify areas you have been inflexible & then adapt. Remember, the element Mercury is the most malleable. Infuse your life with that kind of malleability, intelligence & adaptability even in a highly structured environment

MerR is retracing its path in our sky from the nakshatras of Shravana & UttaraAshada (UA) in Cap. Shravana ruled by Vishnu teaches us to listen to the rhythms of life, nature, universe & our higher self; while UA teaches us what it really takes to eventually be victorious – after several attempts. MerR thro’ these 2 nakshatras urges us to listen to the inner or higher guiding voice that would first lead to internal or personal victories which would eventually translate to triumph in the external world

MerR is not all gloom & doom like many (not all) Western yoga teachers or western practices of alternate sciences make it to be. In Cap, MerR is a highly intelligent time that can help with many breakthroughs

Love, Light & Blessings,